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Notice of Registration ​報名注意事項

  1. This conference will be held in-person. 

  2. Please be advised that only participants with confirmed registration will be granted entry to the venue due to limited seating capacity.

  3. For sustainability, please bring your own water bottle.

  4. The organizer reserves the right to approve or to refuse any registration at any time.

  5. Consent to use photographic images: Registration and attendance at, or participation in, APEC Conference on Policies and Technologies to Promote Healthy Aging with Healthy Diet constitutes an agreement by the registrant to the use of Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare and distribution of the registrant or attendee’s image or voice for demonstrating the result of promoting public health. If you do not agree with the aforementioned matter, please contact the conference secretariat.

  6. Your provided personal data will be utilized exclusively for the purpose of this conference and will be erased thereafter.

  1. 本次研討會為實體參與。

  2. 會議場地容納人數設有限額,當日將依研討會報名成功者,進行報到作業。

  3. 響應環保,請自行攜帶水杯。

  4. 主辦單位保留最終報名資格審核權。

  5. 影音授權聲明:所有報名、出席、參與本次研討會者,將視同同意授權衛生福利部國民健康署使用您參與本次研討會的所有影像及聲音於展示推動公共衛生之成果。如您不同意前述事項,敬請與研討會秘書處聯繫。

  6. 本次研討會將申請公務人員時數。

  7. 資料僅於本次研討會報名使用,並於研討會結束後刪除。

© APEC Conference on Policies and Technologies to Promote Healthy Aging with Healthy Diet

​Tel: +886-2-28814577 | Email address:


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